Sunday, July 31, 2011

A 'Dry' week..

This summers time on the Miramichi was a bit different from past seasons. The river had recieved an incredible run of fish earlier but was now falling off hard, much like the water levels. Fish were around though, just a bit 'finicky'. Within the first couple days it was evident the fish had enormous preference for the Bomber.

Erl R came up from Maine with Mike, a great guy and experienced fisherman. He fished hard the entire first day with small bugs and wets.. with never a pull. Being a quick study he wanted to give the Bomber a try. Late morning he recieved his first rise and hooked it. The fish was played for what seemed to me a considerable amount of time on a Sage Xi2 8wt by a guy with A LOT of salt water fish fighting experience. Midway in I heard someone say that it was running hard up stream. I knew right then that it was likley a BIG fish. Eventually they subdued the beast and according to length conversion [43.5 inch] it would make 23.5 lbs easily. It was as big a fish as I've seen landed on the pool since I've been spending time on it. [pic to be edited in later]

He had a fantastic friday eve with two very nice Salmon on Bombers from up high on the south bank. One was a sweet kyped Cockfish that was full of attitude.. a very nice fish.

Charles and Frankey Storey with a nice heavy Salmon.

Had my best fish minutes of noon on a bright ~ slow a.m. Was fishing Charles 1107 BIIx on a long line down through and into slack softish lower water. I had a boil on the fly WAY down as I began stripping in which was repeated on next swing just as stripping began. Two cast right through same lie produced nothing on a straight swing.. Still standing in same tracks next cast came in the zone and I put some life in it with smooth even strips and WHAM solid assertive take. They seemed to want some sort of animation to the presentation. I took a couple grilse and moved other fish by casting straight out around submerged rocks and smooth short stripping a bug while working down at a brisk pace.

Bright one on the Bomber. [Dickie Storey & I]

Other high lights; Finding the Curtis fly shop downtown Blackville, a very nice place. Only a short hop downstream from our Blissfield camp.

Meeting Jerry Doaks Son Mathew, a very pleasant positive change of shop atmosphere.

The time was gone in a surreal haze..